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Should I bring anything?

A bottle of liquor is always appreciated but not expected.

What is appropriate attire?

Dress as you would like to be known.

Can I bring someone with me?

Probably, but please confirm with us as we may be at capacity.

Is Inspired Culture the same as The Influencers Dinner?

No, Inspired Culture focuses on conversations and presentations. No food will be served.

What should I do when I arrive?

Feel free to come right in, grab a drink, and introduce yourself to anyone you like.

You can say you are new and people will be very welcoming.

What if I need to cancel?

In the confirmation email you were sent there is a link to let us know and look at the dates available to reschedule.

How do I update my contact information or remove myself from invitations?

In the email you were sent there is a link to update your communication preferences. 

What is your Covid policy? 

As a community, the safety of our guests and members comes first. We follow all federal and state guidelines and adhere to the best practices suggested by the CDC.

We rely on people’s honesty with regard to having been vaccinated/tested. We expect people to understand that many of our guests may be in high-risk groups and we would not want to risk their health.


If you don’t feel comfortable socializing yet or cannot commit to these criteria, please let us know and we will invite you again at a later date when the situation changes.


We expect that people be decent and respectful, as outlined in our Values & Code of Conduct.

©2023 Influencers

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